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Breeze AERMOD - Importazione di una mappa (Map Image) in Breeze AERMOD o 3D Analyst (in inglese)

Breeze AERMOD - Versione:


L’utilizzo di una mappa che caratterizzi visivamente l’area in esame è molto utile sia per la configurazione dello scenario che per l’analisi dei risultati sul campo.
Di seguito verrà descritto passo-passo come importare tali file all’interno dei progetti Breeze.

Imported maps can be very helpful when setting up a model scenario and analyzing the results. They can be used as a QA/QC method for ensuring that model objects are in the correct locations and they can also help better visualize results graphically. Although a map file is not required, BREEZE AERMOD and BREEZE 3D Analyst make it so easy to import maps that it will become a routine step in your model setup and analysis

Follow the steps below to import an image

  • In BREEZE AERMOD, double check that the Projection for the AERMOD scenario is set to the appropriate coordinate system in the Project tab.
  • Whether you are importing a map into BREEZE AERMOD or BREEZE 3D Analyst, you will do so in the Map tab. Click on Import Maps in the Map section.
  • Select Image from the dropdown menu.
  • Once Image is selected, the following Import Image screen will appear and walk you through four steps.
    • Step 1: Ensure Add to Map view (GIS) is selected. Note: You may also select Add to 3D view to see the imported map file in 3D view. Click Next.
    • Step 2: Select the image file that you want to import. Once selected, the image will be shown in the preview area. (Tip: Double click where the screen reads Import Image - Step 2 of 4 and the Import wizard will enlarge the image to the size of your computer screen.) Enter the degree of rotation for the image or leave it set to 0 degrees if no rotation is necessary. Click Next.
    • Step 3: Select Use a reference point and known distance between 2 points. Set the reference point by clicking on the image with the mouse and providing the associated coordinates for that location. Once the reference point is clicked, the Image X and Image Y fields will automatically populate. Then, input the UTM coordinates into the Easting and Northing fields for that specific reference point. Click Next. (Tip: You may use a tool like Google Earth to obtain the coordinates of a certain point if you do not have them readily available.)
    • Step 4: Set the distance scale by clicking on the map for the first and second points and then provide the known distance between the two. When you click the two specific locations on the map, Image X1, Y1, X2, and Y2 will automatically populate. Using a tool like the Ruler in Google Earth, determine the distance in meters between those two locations and enter it into the Distance field. Click Finish
  • If the image does not automatically appear in your Map view, click on Zoom To and then select Fit to Window from the Dropdown menu.

Follow these steps to import each image file. If you import more than one image and want to change the order in which they are overlaid (e.g., if you want to show the basemap image over an aerial image), you can go to Map Manager in the Map tab and select the Up and Down buttons to rearrange the order.


A cura di Elena Ripamonti